Our world is huge – each nation chooses for itself what exactly to eat and how to cook it. For example, in South Korea, they still believe (albeit with a bit of irony) that you should not serve chicken wings to your betrothed so that he does not fly away, and it is better for students to refrain from seaweed soup – you can “slip” on them and flunk the exam. And in Korea there is such a thing as “taste of the hand” – after all, everyone prepares the same dish in their own way!
South Korea is an open, friendly and safe country. Let’s have a look at the 5 secrets of Korean
Sweet potatoes and tomatoes with sugar
Sugared potatoes are one of the most popular and favourite snacks in Korea. Small new potatoes in their skins are fried in butter and sprinkled with sugar. And they also eat tomatoes with sugar in Korea – this is a dessert, and not at all a pickled snack from cans. By the way, you can easily eat the following snack while playing in the TonyBet App. Everything will be suited to your needs.
It is very unusual for families to eat tomatoes with salt at first, but you won’t find anything like this in Korea!
Ice and fire
Koreans do not allow half measures in the temperature of food and drinks. In restaurants, some dishes, such as Korean soups and barbecues, are often cooked over a fire right at your table. There are special pots, which keep the dish hot for as long as possible, and when delivered to your home, the restaurant sends your order in heated bags! Drinks in Korean cafes are always divided into two categories – Hot & Ice. Any drink, even ordinary tea, can be made with ice, which Koreans often eat just like that.
If you are afraid to give your kids yoghurt and milk straight out of the fridge, then you will be surprised to see how kids in Korea make iced drinks and ice cream!”
Rice is bread
In traditional Korean cuisine, bread and rolls are not to be found. The main source of carbohydrates here is boiled white rice. It is served with almost all dishes, and pairing it with real bread is “butter” for Koreans. Rice is cooked exclusively in water, it turns out to be very tasty, both sticky and crumbly. But be careful with portions – you will need to finish everything because in Korea it is not customary to throw away rice.
Bo Hyang one of the girls from South Korea says: “When I first saw rice porridge with milk in which a piece of butter floated in the school cafeteria, I was shocked. But I tried it – and surprisingly, it turned out to be very good!